Wednesday 28 February 2024

Characteristics of Good mangement


Management is characterized by a few elements. They are: 

1 Management is a group activity : Since the organization reflects the social dimension, where individuals interact with each other in getting things done, individual efforts alone doesn’t guarantee results. Moreover, management cannot be done in isolation and hence, includes group activity. Management is thus seen as integrating individual efforts through organized group activity. 

2 Management is Universal in its application :Management applies to government, business enterprises, education institutions, military, medical and non-governmental organizations in equal measure. The principles of management suggested by the German industrial Psychologist Henry Fayol, are considered as guiding principles which could be adapted to specific organizational context. 

3 Management is a continuous activity: Management is dynamic in nature and hence is continuous. The ever changing organizational activity provides continuity to management functions. 

4 Management as an Integrated Effort :The process of management integrates the human and other resources in the achievement of the objectives of the organization. In the process, the individual goals and the organizational goals get aligned for effective functioning of the organization. 

5 Management as a well-defined process: Management is considered unique because of the well-defined and clear cut process of getting things done through the various functions of management. 

6 Management is objective-driven and result-oriented: Organizations have clearly marked objectives and goals, the accomplishment of which is systematically driven by the management function. 

7 Management as a set of roles and skills :It refers to an individual or a group of individuals who are actively involved in managerial function.The individuals are designated as managers and the Introduction to Management 12 group as management. The managers are expected to learn the managerial skills to perform their managerial roles effectively. 

8 Management as a function :The management process is characterized by the functions that the manager performs. They are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, controlling and budgeting. 

9 Management as a discipline :Management as a discipline refers to a body of knowledge with unique pedagogical tools as taught in various educational institutions to impart the basic concepts and principles relating to the practice of management. Its importance is demonstrated by the glut on the growth of B-School across the globe and in India and the way it enjoys a prominent place in popular perception.


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