Saturday, 20 July 2019

Inclusive Education in India: Policy and Practices

Unit 1 Topic : Inclusive Education in India: Policy and Practices


• Separate education for disabled 1880’s
• Teacher Training for VI in 1960
• The Integrated education for disabled children scheme in 1974.
• National Policy on education 1986.
• Project Integrated Education For disabled 1987.
• Rehabilitation Council India Act 1992.
• Programme of Action 1992.
• PWD ACT 1995.
• DPEP 1997.
• Nation Trust Act 1999.
• SSA 2000. • Making all school disabled friendly by 2020(2005).

National policies, programmes and legislation
            School education in India is a joint responsibility of the state and the central government. While the
organization and structure of education are largely the concern of the state, central government is primarily responsible for quality of education (Department of Education, 2004). There are slight variations in howschool education is organised across different states in India (Singal, 2006).Schooling across most states (despite some variations) consists of three stages: primary, upper primary or middle, and secondary education. Children aged from6 to 11 years attend primary school (Grades 1–V), those aged from 11 to 14 years attend upper primary or middle school (Grade VI–VII) and those aged from 15 to18 attend secondary school (Singal, 2006). Children, including those with adisability, up to the age of 14 years have a fundamental right to education in India. However, a large number of children with disabilities remain outside the school system. In order to understand the context, it is critical to shed light on government initiatives that have influenced educational programmes for individuals with a disability.  It is important to note that most of the work in this regard was undertaken during the past four decades.                            
            One of the earliest formal initiatives undertaken                   by the GOI was the Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) scheme of 1974 (NCERT, 2011). The objectives of this scheme included the retention of children with disabilities in the regular school system, pre-school training for children with disabilities and 100% financial assistance as per pre-scribed norms for education of children with disabilities. This implied that the scheme would provide financial assistance to schools to cover expenses relating to educating students with disabilities in their mainstream classrooms. In addition to IEDC, in its Sixth Five-Year Plan (1980–1985), the GOI consideredintegrated education of children with disabilities a priority (NCERT, 2011).
            Subsequent increased funding for integrated education and supplementary policies, legislation and programmes indicated the government’s commitment in this regard. In particular, the provision of integrated education as an integral part of the education system was reflected in the National Policy of Action (NPA, 1981), the National Policy on Education/Programme of Action (NPE/POA, 1986–1992) and the Project Integrated Education Development (PIED, 1987; see NCERT, 2011 formore details). The National Policy on Education (1986) specifically recom-mended a goal to integrate ‘the handicapped’[sic] within the general community, at all levels, as equal partners, to prepare them for normal growth and to enable them to face life with courage and confidence (Ministry of Human Resource Development, 1986).These early efforts brought the issue of inclusive education to the forefront of national discourse in the 1990s.They also called for much needed resources to aid inclusion. While structural changes were taking place on the national level in terms of policy formulation, changes were slowly becoming evident at the school and classroom level. Azad (1996) reported that PIED resulted in both regularschool teachers and students becoming more receptive toward students withdisabilities.The             Government of India implemented the District Primary Education Project(DPEP) in 1994–5. This programme laid special emphasis on the integration of children with mild to moderate disabilities, in line with world trends, and became one of the GOI’s largest programmes of the time in terms of funding. Approxi-mately 40,000 million rupees (approximately 740 million US dollars) werebudgeted to fund this program in 149 districts across 14 states (NCERT, 2011).In 1996, the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Act was passed by the Indian parliament (GOI, 2005). This legislation became the hallmark of a new era for the education of students with disabilities in India. An essential aspect of the legislations was the emphasis it placed on the integration of students with disabilities into regular schools (Das, 2001). For the first time, the integration of students with disabilities into regular schools entered the realm of Indian jurisdiction. One of the key features of this Act was that any kind of discrimination against persons with disabilities now came under the purview of law through grievance redress machinery established at the central and state levels. At the time of the passage of the legislation, it was recognized as a historical milestone in the provision of educational and other services to individuals with a disability.
            A number of other policy initiatives have been taken by the Government of Indiasince the passage of the PWD Act in 1996. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA),launched in 2001, is one such initiative (GOI, 2005). SSA had a policy of ‘zero rejection’ and mandated that no child with special needs could be neglected or denied enrolment on the basis of a disability. In 2005, the Ministry of Human Resource Development implemented a National Action Plan for the inclusion in education of children and youth with disabilities. Furthermore, in 2009 IEDC was revised and named ‘Inclusive Education of the Disabled at the Secondary Stage’(IEDSS). The IEDSS scheme provided the opportunity to all students with dis-abilities who had completed eight years of elementary schooling to complete four years of secondary schooling in an inclusive environment. Evaluation of IEDSS has shown an increase in student enrolment in 11 states from 2010 to 2012. In2010, ‘India implemented the Right to Education Act (RTE) to legally support inclusive education’ (Bhan and Rodricks, 2012, p. 367). In addition, a working draft of the PWD Act 2011 was prepared by the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Hyderabad and was due to pass in 2012 (Deccan Herald, 2012). The Act is a significant shift in the way disability is conceptualized by law-makers(Centre for Disability Studies, 2011), as is evident in the committee report that was responsible for reviewing the amended Act. The committee reported: ‘The new paradigm is based on the presumption of legal capacity, equality and dignity. . . .This statute recognizes that persons with disabilities are an integral part of human diversity, enriching it with their vision, their experience & their creativity. The statute seeks to provide a vehicle that ensures participation in society on an equal basis with others and seeks an equality of outcome by recognizing multiple discrimination faced by women and children’ (p. 5).Although the amended law has not yet been passed by the Indian parliament, it shows the government’s commitment regarding the implementation of policy initiatives for PWD emphasizing inclusive education. It is likely to be debated in parliament in 2015.

            The Government of India has demonstrated that it is committed to equalisingeducational opportunities for all children, including those with disabilities.Finding out how much of that commitment has translated into reality warrants careful examination of the extent to which the needs of students with disabilities are being met in inclusive classrooms. Our literature review yielded a dismal picture of the outcomes that the policy initiatives had aimed to achieve. For example, Mani (2003) argued that not even 5% of children with disabilities have been provided with educational services in inclusive classrooms, although the implementation of an integrated system of education began in 1975. Gopinathan(2003) contended that the percentage of students with disabilities attendingregular schools is even lower: only 750,000 students with disabilities receive educational services in regular schools, and the total population of students with disabilities stands at 30–35 million nationwide (Mitchell and Desai, 2005; Singh,2001).According to data provided by the Ministry of Human Resource Development(2007), the number of students with disabilities served under various inclusive education schemes/programmes is 5,800 through PIED; 203,146 through IEDC;621,760 through DPEP; and 1.6 million through SSA. It is clear from thesefigures that the number of students with disabilities receiving services underinclusive education has been constantly growing.
            However, it can also be said that the efforts made by the government have only been able to touch the fringeof the problem, considering the number of students with disabilities in thecountry.In order to understand why progress toward the goal of educational inclusion in India is so poor, we have identified some of the key challenges that we believe may have contributed. We discuss these challenges under two headings: challenges at macro level (or at the system level) and challenges at micro level (or at the school level).

Sharma, U. and Das , A.( 2015). Inclusive education in India: past, present and future. Support for Learning · Vol. 30 (1). Retrieved from:

Friday, 19 July 2019

MED 306 Inclusive Education

Unit:1 Introduction to Inclusive Education

Concept of Inclusive education
            What is “inclusive education”? According to UNESCO, inclusive education is seen as “a process of addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all learners through increasing participation in learning, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion from education and from within education.” The goal is that the whole education system will facilitate learning environments where teachers and learners embrace and welcome the challenge and benefits of diversity. Within an inclusive education approach, learning environments are fostered where individual needs are met and every student has an opportunity to succeed.
Concept of Inclusive Education

            The principle of inclusive education was adopted at the “World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality” (Salamanca Statement, Spain 1994) and was restated at the World Education Forum (Dakar, Senegal 2000). The Statement solicits governments to give the highest priority to making education systems inclusive and adopt the principle of inclusive education as a matter of policy. The idea of inclusion is further supported by the United Nation’s Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for Person with Disability Proclaiming Participation and equality for all. Inclusive Education (IE) is defined as a process of addressing the diverse needs of all learners by reducing barriers to, and within the learning environment. It means attending the age appropriate class of the child’s local school, with individually tailored support (UNICEF 2007).
            Inclusive education is a process of strengthening the capacity of the education system to reach out to all learners. At the Jometin World Conference (1990) in Thailand, the goals for 'Education for All' were set and it was proclaimed that every person (child, youth and adult) shall be able to benefit from educational opportunities which would meet their basic learning needs. Inclusion is an educational approach and philosophy that provides all students greater opportunities for academic and social achievement. This includes opportunities to participate in the full range of social, recreational, arts, sports, music, day care and afterschool care, extra-curricular, faith based, and all other activities. In India, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) joined hands with UNICEF and launched Project Integrated Education for Disabled Children (PIED) in the year 1987, to strengthen the integration of learners with disabilities into regular schools. In recent years, the concept of inclusive education has been broadened to encompass not only students with disabilities, but also all students who may be disadvantaged. This broader understanding of curriculum has paved the way for developing the National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005) that reiterates the importance of including and retaining all children in Main-stream Education.

Defining Inclusive Education
Inclusive education means students with diverse and different learning and physical abilities staying in the same classroom to learn side by side.  It is the act of placing students in age-appropriate general education classes in schools available in their immediate environment that gives access to high-quality instructions, interventions and assistance to meet up primary academic curriculum irrespective of any challenges they may have. Educators need to recognise the fact that children with disabilities have equal capacities to learn and perform optimally as their age-mates that are without limitations. These children are therefore supposed to be part of all educational activities in their classrooms and within the neighbourhood.  Such activities include excursions, academic debates, student government, sports and other related activities.

Recognising the values in the diversity and unique contribution of each student in the classroom is one of the key drivers of an inclusive education system. Every child feels safe and develops a sense of belonging. The students along with their parents are involved in setting academic goals and making decisions that determine the success of their learning and education. A lot of schools claim to be inclusive, but this is often not the case. Sharing the same physical space and performing different activities is not inclusive. Most educational institutions in Nigeria do not operate an inclusive setting, the reason for this could be inadequate funding, cultural beliefs, negative perception and teacher qualification.  However, this is an area they should look into and take seriously. The country can join forces with other progressive nations to advocate for the right of learners with disabilities.

Self reliant
For social equality
For the use of modern technology
Developing feeling of self respect
For achieving the universalisation
For the development of healthy citizenship
To enable children to stay with their families
To fulfill the constitutional responsibilities

Need of Inclusive education
There have  been efforts internationally to  include children with disabilities in the educational mainstream. In order to achieve truly inclusive education, we need to think about and incorporate children with special needs into regular schools. Especially, because these kids face some sort of barriers to learning and participation in the classroom. As general education classrooms include more  and  more  diverse  students,  teachers  realize  the  value  of  accepting  each  student  as unique.
 All children have equal access to education.
 All children learn alongside their same-age peers.
The focus of education is on the child's abilities, not disabilities.
Children become accepting and understanding of one another's abilities, talents, personalities and needs.
Meaningful relationships and friendships develop as students spend quality time with one another.
Students develop confidence in their ability to interact with one another and the world around them.
Teachers in inclusive schools are highly trained and skilled at delivering appropriate, student-centered curriculum through differentiated activities according to ability level.
In addition to the classroom teacher, children with special needs are supported by special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and specialists such as Speech/Language Therapists.
Various resources and assistive technologies are available to students in inclusive schools in an effort to reach and teach all learners.
Inclusive schools value input and participation from the whole community, not just students.

Why inclusion?
Research has shown that:
• Children do better academically when in inclusive settings;
• Developing peers gain in understanding about disability, tolerance and support;
• Inclusion provides models for normal and age appropriate behaviour;
• Inclusion provides opportunities to develop relationships;
• Inclusive education is the key step towards inclusion in life;

Experience shows:
• One of the most important ingredients for successful inclusion is the will to make it succeed / a positive attitude;
• Most teachers have the skills to understand the individual needs of a child with Down syndrome;
• Most teachers have the skills to teach children with Down syndrome effectively and sensitively;

Specific learning profile of a child with Down syndrome:
• Child is not just developmentally delayed in his whole development;
• No need for a diluted curriculum in all learning areas;
• Learning profile goes hand in hand with a learning style;
• Certain factors influencing learning are typical of many children with Down syndrome;
• Strengths that facilitate learning;

Strong visual awareness and visual learning skill are:
• Learnt by using signing;
• Learnt by using the written word;
• Learnt by modelling behaviour and attitudes;
• Learning by way of practical material and hands-on activities
• Weaknesses that inhibit learning;

Importance of inclusive education
Many schools have inclusion classrooms. In part, that’s because the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) says that kids who receive special education services should learn in what’s called the “least restrictive environment” (LRE). That means they should spend as much time as possible with students who don’t receive special education services.
At its core, inclusive education is about appreciating each individual’s differences and unique set of strengths and limitations. It’s not just an education philosophy; it’s an important life skill. Children grow into adults who live in a world filled with people different from themselves; learning how to interact and work with these people is a key accomplishment of childhood, as integral as academic proficiency. An inclusive school is a perfect training ground for real life, because daily social, physical and academic interaction between kids who are typically developing and their special needs peers means students develop:
Greater sensitivity. Children who develop in a typical manner become more sensitive by learning side-by-side with special needs children. They understand how words can hurt, they practice patience, and they learn empathy.
Better understanding of strengths/weaknesses. Kids in inclusive schools learn that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. They learn to appreciate these differences and how to collaborate in order to accomplish something.
More tolerance. Inclusive schooling teaches kids the value of another human being—no matter what that person looks or sounds like. Physical and mental differences do not equate to a lesser value.
Inclusive classes are set up in a number of ways. Some use a collaborative team teaching (or co-teaching) model. With co-teaching, there’s a special education teacher in the room all day.
Other inclusive classes have special education teachers “push in” at specific times during the day to teach (instead of pulling kids out of class to a separate room). In either case, both teachers are available to help all students.
Studies show that inclusion is beneficial for all students—not just those who receive special education services.
1: Differentiated Instruction
All students learn differently. This is a principal of inclusive education. One key teaching strategy is to break students into small groups. By using small groups, teaching can be tailored to the way each student learns best. This is known as differentiated instruction.
Teachers meet everyone’s needs by presenting lessons in different ways and using Universal Design for Learning (UDL). For example, they may use multisensory instruction. In math, that may mean using visual aids and manipulatives like cubes or colored chips to help kids learn new concepts. (See more examples of multisensory math techniques.)
Some classrooms may have an interactive whiteboard. On it, kids can use their fingers to write, erase and move images around on the large screen. This teaching tool can also be used to turn students’ work into a video, which can be exciting for kids and help keep them engaged.
2: Supportive Teaching Strategies
In an inclusive classroom, teachers weave in specially designed instruction and support that can help students make progress. Kids may be given opportunities to move around or use fidgets. And teachers often put positive behavioral interventions and supports(PBIS) in place.
These strategies are helpful for all students—not only for students with learning and attention issues.
3: Reduced Stigma
Inclusive classrooms are filled with diverse learners. That lets kids talk about how everyone learns in their own way. They may find that they have more in common with other kids than they thought. This can go a long way in reducing stigma for kids with learning and attention issues. It can also help kids build and maintain friendships.
4: Effective Use of Resources
In more traditional special education settings, many kids are “pulled out” for related services, like speech therapy or for other specialized instruction. An inclusion class often brings speech therapists, reading specialists and other service providers into the classroom.
These professionals can provide information and suggestions to help all students. If your child isn’t eligible for special education, but still needs some extra support, it can provide him with some informal support.
5: High Expectations for All
If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), his goals should be based on the academic standards for your state. Those standards lay out what all students are expected to learn in math, reading, science and other subjects by the end of the school year.
Differentiated instruction and co-teaching in a general education classroom make it easier for students with standards-based IEPs to be taught the same material as their classmates.
In some schools, only certain classrooms are inclusion classes. In that case, schools may assign general education students randomly to inclusive or non-inclusive classes. Other schools may choose students who benefit from the emphasis on meeting the needs of all learners at all ability levels.
Talk to your child’s school about the supports and services that might be available in an inclusion classroom. Learn more about teaching strategies that work well for students with learning and attention issues. And read about the various models of collaborative 

The Importance of Inclusive Education In The Classroom
There are several benefits of including special need students in the classroom with other students.  Research-based evidence on the importance of Inclusive education has become significant over the years, and it has, therefore, become a vital system that should be included in the classroom.  Below are eight Importance of Inclusive Education; 
·        Development of a positive perception of themselves and others
Attending classroom settings that depict the true nature of the similarities and differences that exist in the world helps children appreciate diversity. It is essential that a child’s education introduces him/her to the reality of the world out there beyond the walls of just an academic environment. Playing and learning alongside with other children of different cultures and abilities assist children to grow in understanding people that are unique in skills due to physical, social or other challenges. The culture of respect for one another also grows when children are allowed to play with one another without segregation.
·         Healthy Friendship development
Asides from the academic education and learning made available to children in school, friendships are developed, and social skills learnt.  Allowing special needs children to mix with other children in the school setting makes them feel included, and this expands their network of friends. 
In 2016, about 7 million children were reported to be out of school because of their inability to access primary education due to disability state according to vanguard news. The design and management of primary and secondary schools in Nigeria are reportedly non-inclusive and inaccessible to children with disabilities. The article reported that 7 million children make up more than 50% of over 10 million children out of school in Nigeria. Education is a basic need and right for every child. It is supposed to be available to every child regardless of their physical or social limitations. Therefore, the introduction of inclusive learning in the classroom is a necessity and not just a minor additional feature in the policies governing the management of schools in Nigeria.
This article aims to discuss the importance of inclusive education in the classroom. It will define inclusive education, features and ways to include inclusive education in the classroom and the benefits of inclusion education.

  • Realisation of parent’s dreams
Every parent wants their child to be happy and accepted by their peers, have a healthy life and education. Allowing a child with the special need to interact and learn with other students in the school positively improves their academic performance, their personality and the expectations of the parents. Introducing inclusive education in the classroom will reduce stigmatisation and help such children attain their highest heights.

  • Parental Involvement in Education
Introducing Inclusive education into the classroom encourages parents to be actively involved in their child’s education and other school activities. Parents love to witness the performance of their children during events such as debate, quiz competition, sports and other programs. It also drives a higher commitment to the school by the parents as they become more involved in the school program.
Here are 20 Things Every Parent of Kids with Special Needs Should Hear.
  • A basis for an Inclusive society
A society that embraces and integrates an inclusive education will naturally introduce the same culture of inclusion in its concepts of civic participation, employability and community relationships. The seeds of inclusion need to be planted in the young so that they will learn the values, skills and knowledge to include others who are different from them. That’s the basis of our future society. Those with special needs can become pioneers of public projects and programs.

  • A broader range of learning methods
An Inclusive education system makes teachers and staff flexible when it comes to preparing their teaching and instructional materials. The use of non-traditional resources like videos, audio, kinesthetic and even multimedia can be employed to make learning more accessible and exciting. By doing this, even students without disabilities learn faster too.

  • Better Academic performance
Research has shown that students learning together in the classroom improves academic excellence. Students set higher expectations for themselves due to the presence of others with diverse abilities. Students with disabilities challenge themselves to perform optimally like their classmates, while other students also spontaneously set a high standard for themselves. As educators, we won’t know what gifts are hidden in our students until we unwrap them.
Most successful teachers of inclusion classes have found that when they teach basic skills within the context of meaningful lessons, all students can achieve higher- level learning. Such lessons stimulate critical thinking and motivate students to make personal connections with the material.

  • Development of leadership skills
Students in an inclusive education environment naturally learn to take up the responsibility of caring for one another. There are situations where students stand up and speak up to protect their friends who are bullied. This naturally can lead to a leadership skill.  The school environment also encourages self-discovery as students with diverse abilities find themselves performing roles and functions they usually would not be exposed to if they had been separated.
To fully implement inclusive learning in the classroom there should be a development of a culture of acceptance, understanding and giving equal attention to the diversities and differences of all the students in the school.  Here are some of the essential elements that characterise inclusive education; 

·       The use of a broader range of instructional materials, teaching aids and models:
The purpose of contemporary tools such as interactive whiteboards, videos, audio lessons and multimedia tools are often associated with higher student engagement.  A lot of times, teachers also employ the use of groupings to carry out academic exercise in the classroom. Often the groups are shuffled just to allow all students to relate to each other and carry out the task assigned to them.  Teachers lead group task in the cases of younger age students (preschool or elementary ) or driven by a student when dealing with older children (Secondary school)

·       Inclusive academic curriculum
The same learning goals drive the learning experience of every student. The content of the school academic program is such that gives equal opportunity for all the students to participate in all school educational activities at the same pace of progress. Educators consider students with disabilities before creating the school curriculum. They do this to allow all students to have equal access to instructions and opportunities to participate in learning activities. Such curriculum makes provision for students with special needs to be given attention without pulling them out in the middle of lessons and making their differences noticed.

·       Parental Involvement
 Parents participation in the education of the child in an inclusive system can ultimately define its success. Inclusive education involves coming up with innovative and strategic methods of getting parents involved and noticed by children in the learning process. The process of creating educational contents and other learning activities in an inclusive system ensures a significant contribution of parents through the planning stage.

·       Building Relationships 
 It is the responsibility of the teachers to connect with all the students in the classroom. Speaking to your students one on one are great ways to start building relationship. By taking some extra time and effort to view each pupil as an individual and truly believing that each student can succeed, you’ll become partners in their success.
Finally, it is important not to forget that their are extreme cases where special need children act out in the classroom and as such they might require one on one supervision. In this case, the service of a special educator is needed to support the children in a well groomed learning environment.


Acedo, C. (n.d.) Interview with the UNESCO-IBE Director. United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural Organisation. Retrieved from:

Singh, J. D. (2016)  Inclusive Education In India –  Concept, Need And Challenges. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Sciences & English Language  Vol 3(13). Retrieved from

Greenspring Schools (2018). The Importance Of Inclusive Education In The Classroom. Retrieved from

Down Syndrome South Africa Retrieved from USA LLC. 5 Benefits of Inclusion Classrooms. Retrieved from